Friday, June 12, 2009

About Choi Nyen

Name: Ng Choi Nyen
DOB: 23 November 1988
Hometown: Selayang
Email Address:
Status: In a relationship, yet still AVAILABLE
Hobby: Writing blog, play game, reading, surf net
Likes: Friend, Family, and Future Family
Dislikes: Milk, Medicine

I’m a girl that very likes to sleep. I can sleep anywhere anytime. Even I have enough sleep last night, but I still feel sleepy. This make me always sleep in the class. The only way to cure this habit is drink coffee every morning. It bring worst impact to my result if I no do so.
This website enables people to keep in touch with each others. Besides, facebook provides a lot of features such as give comment to their friends, games, upload pictures and videos and etc. I’m always log in to facebook for the purpose ofàplay games!!! Haha~~~
Latest news and information are available to public. Besides, students can use intranet provided by utar to check their results and timetable online.
Help to search information which we need. In addition, google provides language tools to help us to search information in other languages.
Help to share and receive mails from our friends. Any information can be shared through mails. Besides, we also can forward interesting mails to our contact list.
Allows me to read friend’s blog through blogger and know their feeling and news. Besides, blogger enables readers to write their comments to their friend for every blog read.

About Stephy

Name : Ng Fui Foong (Stephy Pink)
Date of birth : 23 Oct 1988
Status : Single but not AVAILABLE

Zodiac : libra or scorpion (either one)
Hometown : Cheras
Likes : chocolate, bear bear, doggie, my friends
Dislike : loneliness
E-mail :
Hobbies : shopping, blogging, reading…

Here is the brief introduction of myself:
An ordinary girl that is always expect for an extraordinary life. Haha ~ hello~ My friend used to call me Stephy pink or pink poison and I am happy if u calls me that as it sounds friendly. I like pink and black. Pink represents cute and black reflects cool so I am the combination of these two. =P

When turn on my laptop, the first thing that I usually do is open my window life messenger which allow me to chat or discuss assignment with my friends and group mate. During leisure time, I will write blog which show my life and my feeling and the top 5 website that I have visited the most are as following:

1. : which allowed me to send and receive mail from my friends.
2. : this website is quite popular now. Its allow us to share our picture, send comment and a lot of application is available.
3. : this is the place where I share my though and feeling to my friend. U can know me more from my blog. =>
4. : this website allow me to download tutorial and lecture note that are uploaded by our lecturer in Utar.
5. : Much information is available in this website. This search engine allows me to find information that is needed for my assignment.
E-commerce is crucial and becomes a competitive advantage to every organization in this the changing environment. Through this blog, I hope I can learn more about e-commerce and share the information to the people who are visit to our blog. =)

About PinG

Hey… I am Goh Yen Ping…21 year old.. Born on 28th September 1988. I am studying at UTAR,took up Accounting Degree even it is not my choice of preferences. I like reading, watching movie and SleEping…. I come from Kuching, which is the capital of the East Malaysian state of SaRawak. My friend thought that I am living in the tree or long house..! Please don't have such thinking. Let me briefly tell you all about my hometown, Kuching. Kuching have many histories about the origins of the city’s name came from. One of the theories was the “mata kuching” or “cat’s eye” fruit was grown in abundance by the river banks where it was a commercial heart of city. If you are interested to know more about it you may refer to this website ( then u will discover it’s natural of beauty.

That's ME

The Kuching City Centre skyline at dusk, viewed from across the Sarawak River

The following is my internet website i suft during my spare time :
a) Hotmail & Yahoo: check my mail in order to keep in touch with my friends
b) this is my idol’s website and where I can get their information…sometimes I have express idea in this forum to discuss things with other person
c) Google search engine ( and Yahoo search engine ( to find relevant information for my assignments, thesis purpose or look for any entertainment news
d) to seek for and downloading any latest songs or old songs
e) this is a website for reading novel especially love novel and it is FREE!!!
f) watch funny video or drama to relax
g) & : In both of this website, I can compare the price of air ticket or obtain the latest information and promotion about the flight in order to get the cheaper fare price and save my parents money since I am come from KuChinG…(don’t rely on air asia only because it is not always the cheaper airline)

In my mindset, top 5 internet activities include chatting with friends through window live messenger to keep in touch with them, checking mail, download the latest songs or movie, online watching shows and obtain the information of my idol (S.H.E) through their website. Actually, I have spend much of my time in the internet due to the deficiency of transportation…hAha

Wish all of you have a nice day!!!

About SuLing

Hello…I'm the author of the blog, known as SuLing. Here's a brief introduction about me.

Name (I/C): Saw So Ling
Preferred Name: SuLing

Age: 21 (2009)
D.O.B: 1st September 1988
Zodiac: Dragon
Horoscope: Virgo
Heritage: Chinese (Hokkien)

Current Location: Sungai Long, Selangor.
Relationship Status: Single but not AVAILABLE
Currently Pursuing: Bachelor Degree of Commerce Accounting (3rd Year)
Language (In Order): English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Bahasa Malaysia and Hokkien

• Black
• Number 3 , 5 or 9
• Money

• Worms
• Insects
• Dirt
• Dust

Reading for gaining more knowledge
Listening Music to reduce the stress
Jogging make me more healthy
Traveling make life meaningful

Internet Activities
Check Mail
• Chatting thru MSN
• Blogging
• Download New Song
• Play Games

The most top five websites I like visits the most and why:

• – to know about current news, nation and worldwide.
• – to keep in touch with friends in different location.
• – search engine that use to search useful information to finish up assignment
• – to check the mail forwarded
• – e-learning website that provide student with the lecture notes, tutorial questions and recently updates.